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Dustin Rhodes Wwe Return

Teil Runnels Shares Thoughts on Cody and Dustin Rhodes' Wrestling Careers

Teil Runnels, sister of Cody and Dustin Rhodes, recently gave her opinion on their wrestling careers.

In an interview with Wrestling Inc., Teil said that she is proud of both of her brothers and the success they have achieved in the wrestling business. She also said that she believes they both have a lot more to offer the sport.

On Cody Rhodes:

"Cody has always been a very determined person," Teil said. "He knew from a young age that he wanted to be a wrestler, and he never gave up on his dream. He's worked hard to get where he is today, and I'm so proud of him." Teil also said that she believes Cody has the potential to be one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.

On Dustin Rhodes:

"Dustin is a natural athlete," Teil said. "He's always been able to pick up new moves quickly, and he has a great sense of psychology in the ring. He's also a very tough competitor, and he never gives up. I think he has a lot of potential, and I'm excited to see what he does in the future."
